Unlock Your Potential with Crossfit Conquest's Proven Nutrition Solutions

Struggling to achieve your fitness goals? Say goodbye to frustration and confusion with our tailored nutrition programs designed to transform your body and mindset. At Crossfit Conquest, we believe in simplicity and sustainability when it comes to healthy eating.

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Are you tired of trying to "eat healthy" only to get frustrated with the lack of results?

1 day

Zone Template Review

An individualized one-on-one assessment of the Zone Nutrition Program. In this program, we delve into the Zone "diet" and guide you on how to balance protein, carbohydrates, and fats according to your body type and size. You will discover the ideal quantities of protein, carbs, and fats to consume at each meal and snack. Additionally, you'll receive a comprehensive handout detailing an extensive list of foods, revealing insights you may not have known.

6 weeks

Conquest My Nutrition

Conquest My Nutrition is a 6-week coached program aimed at transforming your habits. We begin by assessing your current routines and, over the first two weeks, assist you in modifying them while introducing new, healthier ones. Our program covers fundamental nutrition principles that are practically applied. Each meal is documented with photos, and participants engage in weekly weigh-ins and maintain food logs. An accountability checklist is provided, along with before-and-after workouts to measure performance improvements. This is not a template-based program where everything is weighed and measured. Instead, you'll have 24/7 access to coaches for daily monitoring and support.

8 weeks

Conquest FUEL

Conquest FUEL is a meticulously structured program where every intake of food and drink is meticulously measured. At its core, FUEL is engineered to jumpstart your metabolism, particularly your resting metabolic rate. By precise measurement and strategic timing around workouts, FUEL elevates your resting metabolism, enabling you to burn calories at rest, leading to fat loss and lean muscle gain. If achieving peak performance is your objective, this program is indispensable. FUEL has been rigorously tested by some of Conquest's top athletes, consistently yielding impressive results. FUEL is an 8-week, one-on-one coached program featuring pre- and post-program workouts, before-and-after photos, weigh-ins every three days, and a weekly food log review. Participants have 24/7 access to their coach throughout the entire duration of the program.

Customer testimonials

Real Reviews from Our CrossFit Community

"I just completed CrossFit Conquest's six week My Nutrition program and I am so happy with the results!  I dropped two dress sizes and lost 15 pounds! Coach Jon made it simple and fun, and the group kept me accountable.  This is by far the best food program I have ever done, and I've tried many!  Instead of cutting calories, we actually add food! It is easy to follow, takes it slow, and even teaches how to eat out and travel without blowing all the gains!"

Xareni R.

"Conquest FUEL is a MUST for those looking to take their performance to the next level!  In 8 weeks I went from 20% body fat to 8% and my strength and conditioning hit a new level! I hit new records on all my lifts and even beat all of my benchmark workouts! I am so happy with this program and plan on following it on my own for life!"

Ralph R.

"I just recently did the Zone Template Review plan with Coach Jon, and found it extremely comprehensive in what I should eat and also when I should eat!  The template is based on body type and/or size and outlines how much food to eat per meal and snack! Coming into this I really didn't know how to eat and was afraid of "diets".  This taught me how to make it simple and also that the body needs fuel all day long."

Chris C.