What makes anything "the best"? What entitles one gym to call themselves "the best" over another? In this article, we will try and quantify what exactly "the best gym" means. Here are some parameters and where we believe CrossFit Conquest stacks up. Testimonials: Real true life stories from real people have to be the number one criteria. With almost 400 reviews at the time of this article, there are literally hundreds of testimonials telling so many different amazing stories about their journey at CrossFit Conquest. Some stand out stories that come to mind. Roger, a 74 year old cancer survivor. When Roger came to us he could not walk up the stairs to enter the building. I told Roger that if he came just 3 days a week, his life would change drastically. One year later we awarded him the Conquest athlete of the year. He absolutely turned his health and fitness around and is still running circles around all his friends. Another member, a young man in his late 20's, has been with us for almost 10 years. He came to us through a local school that specializes in collegiate aged kids with disabilities. Not only have I seen this young man's physique and health change, but his overall presence and confidence is now something to behold. I attribute his hard work and our coaching staff, and the magic of CrossFit for this. Another group of members that come to mind are our little CrossFit Kids members. These kids are between 3 and 11 years old and are so fun to watch. They give 100% and then some in every class. Us adults could learn a thing or two from them. Put the tablets and phones down and let's sweat. We are super proud of all our little conquerors. Equipment and Availability: At CrossFit Conquest, we have built up quite the arsenal of toys. Yes, sometimes we do partner workouts, but we take pride in knowing we have enough equipment to safely equip every member with what is needed in every class. Many competitors actually ask to train here before the big local comps because we can accomodate with space and with equipment.
Availability...I challenge any CrossFit gym around to match the number of classes we have per day. With over a dozen classes per day, we have a time slot for everyone. We also have 24/7 access for those that want to do their own programming, or just want to get the workout in because they are on a firefighter, police, nurse, or doctor shift. There is literally no excuse as we are open at all hours. Licensed and Certified Instructors: NOBODY coaches a class at CrossFit Conquest without a CFL1 cert or a personal training cert. We also take pride in "creating" our own coaches from our member base and teaching them our methodology. We want them integrated with our members and well known. We have stuck to this rule 95% of the time and the success rate of our coaching staff is very high with very little turnover. Community: It is said that the program brings you to CrossFit, but the community makes you stay. This is so true. Our members are not intimidating in the least, and you can see a 12 year old working out next to a 65 year old on a daily basis, encouraging each other. The member beside you just might end up becoming your maid of honor or your best man. Or better yet, your spouse. We have seen it all and are very proud of what we have built here. Being "the best" can be debated, but sometimes the proof really is in the pudding! Come check us out!